
Hands up if you imagined this less as an Ace Ventura bit and more as a William S. Burroughs bit. ("Did I ever tell you about the man who taught his asshole to talk?")

David Cross - "Weathermen Have Become, for the Most Part, Obsolete!"
Curtis Mayfield - "Check Out Your Mind (live)"
Alice In Chains - "Nutshell (unplugged)"
Negativland - "Voice Inside My Head"
Count Basic - "Anicca"
Public Enemy - "Miuzi Weighs A Ton (Live)"

Apparently he didn't BEAT…THE…REAPER! (RIP)

So I guess that Broad Street Bullies movie really isn't happening, huh?

Quick, internet - someone get out there and re-cut the Fury Road trailer with Lindsey Buckingham as the soundtrack.

They could just add Jawbox to the actual line-up and I'd want to go.

I'm not sure, but I think that first one is actually Knight Rider, and the second is just part of the beat from "Push It" by Salt N Pepa. I could be wrong.

No sir, he didn't like it.

Maybe they'll do a Speakerboxxx/The Love Below style double album after RTJ3. We can dream, dammit.

Wow, for some reason I thought Super Dave Osborne must be dead by now.

Here's hoping for a soundtrack, official or not, from Random aka Mega Ran.

Mmmm deep-fried hippogriff breaded in panko.


Hmm? (It'll never get to line 40)

I vaguely remember Edgar (the computer) attempting to write a love song - the first draft ended up being Jeff Lynne's "Video!" with the lyrics "Darling I love you to bits / and I want to see your tits". Simpler times.

As a young lad, my father played Freberg's The United States Of America Volume I: The Early Years as a counterpoint to the bullshit I was learning in school at the time. It is a modern classic that I can not recommend highly enough. RIP

The headline made me think that maybe they snapped and went on a killing/bank robbing spree (preferably while declaring via song that everything is indeed awesome), but noooooo.

I went to the see Future of the Left and skipped out on …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead. A few years later, I saw a different lineup of Future of the Left and skipped out on Andrew Jackson Jihad (boo work next day).

Don't know, don't care - it just amused me that this week we're barely putting up with killing Jesus.

This is my favorite Tolerability Index headline of all time. That is all.