
In case anyone's curious, the most downloaded MP3s (as of the evening of 11/3) are:

My mistake - the production code for the episode was 4F09 and I made an incorrect assumption.

I will immediately follow "Bart The Lover" with "Grade School Confidential" from season 8. (Not 4, my bad. I got confused by the production code.)

I saw it after House of 1,000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects because I needed to know what Sid Haig looked like in the '60s.

Nameless disaster victim #3, approximately 10 minutes before impact.

I bought Djshe a Vitamix last week. The daily smoothies have improved in taste and consistency, but dramatically declined in appearance as she started adding things like kale to the mix. Today's tastes kind of like a banana Laffy Taffy and is bright green.

Ugh. I grew up in New Hampshire, home state of Christa McAuliffe…so the majority of my elementary school stayed in from recess to watch the launch (I was in the first grade). In retrospect, I pity the one counsellor that three elementary schools had to share at the time.

Yup, mid-November. Happy Valentine's Day, Mom and Dad…

Louis Armstrong & Duke Ellington - "Just Squeeze Me"
The Roots - "Concerto of the Desperado"
Aphex Twin - "Mt Saint Michel + St. Michaels Mount"
Splinter Test - "Track 79" (from the Electronic Newspaper) (skipped)
Henry Rollins - "Getting Home" (skipped)
The Pixies - "Motorway to Roswell"
melt-banana - "Stick Out"

Can't confirm or deny, but I will say that my mother found her jokes about labor pains on my birthday hilarious well into my 20s.

My mother explaining to me that I was going to have a little sister by reading me a Berenstain Bears book. I was 2. (My sister was born on my 3rd birthday.)

I still think of him as original Texas Chainsaw Massacre narrator John Larroquette…which may explain why I keep thinking he's dead.

I played the first track of The Process for a co-worker years ago. It was the first time I'd ever actually heard someone use the term "devil music" unironically.

All he's going to have to do to gain that weight is eat a lot of donuts - little chocolate donuts.

All weekend: GTA V. Lots of it. Again. I don't get to play much during the week, so this past weekend I ran through a bunch of the side missions. I now own an attack helicopter (which I bought online) and a submarine (which I got when I purchased a sonar retrieval site, because why not). Still barely scratched

Solid NAY. Jeff was the cold, black heart of Slayer. If you have favorite Slayer songs, odds are they were written by Jeff. Gary Holt does an admirable job filling in live…but if the band is going to rely on Kerry King for all of their new songs, I'll pass.

Has Kerry King tried to have Dave Lombardo removed from this photo yet?

At the risk of sounding like a sappy perv/perverted sap: Djshe and I went to see A Dirty Shame on our second date. It was her idea. It's when I knew she was a keeper. (Cripes, that was nine years ago.)

Johnny Knoxville was a part of one of the best episodes of late night TV I've ever seen - the October 18th, 2002 episode of The Late Show with Conan O'Brien. He was probably promoting one of the first Jackass movies. First, he was brushing his mustache with one of those little combs that comes with the stuff you use

Yeah, this was meant to be under the "Worst microwave recipes" post up above. Fuck Disqus.