
True story: I was briefly in a weird little jam band called The 1-2-4 3 (named after the apartment we practiced in and the fact that there were 3 of us). Our favorite jam was a simple three chord progression we called "Over the Top". The freestyle lyrics generally started out with "Over the top Dad / you're my

Thanks, this explains a lot.

Here's hoping for a series of Mike Ehrmantraut episodes. I still think he's the one who should have gotten the prequel spin-off.

Trying to read/post on my lunch break…
This is fully jacked. I can't see any of my own comments until I go to them from my profile page. At least some other people can see them, because I'm getting occasional responses.
Also, the number of upvotes isn't displaying correctly. I hover over the "1" upvote and it pops up

The Flaming Lips - "She Don't Use Jelly (demo version)"
Cream - "Eric Clapton Interview 2" from BBC Sessions (skipped)
GZA/Genius - "Shadowboxin'"
Adam Sandler - "Hot Water Burn Baby" (skipped)
Wax - "Happy Happy Joy Joy"
The White Stripes - "Catch Hell Blues"
Analog Brothers - "Analog Technics"

This is almost always the response I have to "Delirium Cordia"…but I still drag it out for Halloween and play it (and Diamanda Galas' Schrei X) with the speakers facing out my upstairs windows for the neighborhood children to enjoy.

Yup, this blows. There's no way I'm going to be able to keep up with this while I'm at work. I'll probably post from home tonight if I get a chance, but I'm afraid my days of wasting Wednesdays on the T.I. are over until something better than NuDisqus comes along. I'll miss it.

Miss Piggy in a meat dress. Make it happen, you weirdo pop monster you.

I'm going to say probably not, because it would be perceived as adding a syllable (Kah-zack-stan vs. Kah-zack-ih-stan)…but I'm not a Jeopardy judge.

It's the difference between "KAZ-ACK-STAN" and "KAZ-KI-STAN". They probably would have accepted "KAZZACKSTAN" because the pronunciation would be the same.
Yes, it's a BS rule, but there's gotta be a line somewhere.

Always nice to know who watched Oz.

He'll always be Ryan O'Reilly to me.

Looks like we can "star" entire discussions but not individual threads…so you could "star" the TI, but not, say, the Food thread. (RIP TI.)

After seeing Elba's How Clubbing Changed the World documentary I'm pretty stoked to hear what they come up with. (It's not on Netflix or Amazon, but the whole documentary is on YouTube; it originally aired on Channel 4.)

I had to google "mung" after reading this article, as I have heard several definitions of this term, but none of them have anything to do with beans. (My favorite wrong definition for "mung" is still "armpit putty consisting mostly of deodorant build-up").

I'm so glad The Cheat is not dead.

I'll come back to Skyrim eventually.  It lost out to The Last of Us, which has since made way for GTAV.

GTAV.  Lots of it.

I got a Community….oh, never mind.

I love Block Flog!  "We're gonna get together and watch television - OKAY!"