
"Sexy M.F.", mostly for fond college memories.

I'm partial to "F.C.: The Freedom Club"…but that whole Of Natural History album is just phenomenal.

Our office building is being painted a hideous shade of orange today.  The painters are taking up half the parking lot, so those of us who don't arrive at 6:30am had to park around the corner.  All of the windows are sealed with plastic, the air conditioner is out, and it's supposed to be in the high 90s by noon.

Beardyman - "Oh! (featuring Foreign Beggars)"
The Chemical Brothers - "Get Up On It Like This"
Matthew Sweet - "Nothing Lasts"
The Haunted - "Never Better"
Kool Keith - "Static"

This will be not unlike every Million (Something) March ever.

Djshe and I are fuly hooked on this recipe for kale with sausage and white beans (although we usually add some potatoes to bulk it up):


Be sure to stay tuned for Talking Nad afterwards.  #owmyballs

Liked because this prompted me to google Towards Thee Infinite Beat and discover two tracks on the CD release that aren't on the 12".

They're really just shy.

So they're marine corps merit badges?

Is "commemorative challenge coin" a fancy way to say "pog" without getting sued by some obscure toy company pining for the '90s?

Liked for the OMC reference, whether it was intentional or not.

God I hope that Misty pronounces that last name as "Champagne".

It's the 21st century version of taping songs off of the radio.  Still illegal, and still generally ignored by people with bigger fish to fry.

RIP Ass Dan - you will be missed.


Friday: I've been really getting into the new Superchunk album I Hate Music and decided to see where they're touring.  Turns out they were playing a sold-out show in downtown Portland.  Needless to say I did not get in.  Instead I took a long bath and listened to I Hate Music followed by Earl Sweatshirt's Doris, which

I foresee a line of irritated hipsters with smartphones insisting that the image on the tiny screen is just as good as a piece of paper.  Good luck, people at the gates.

Liked for the Undercover Album concept.
(The Melvins do Locust Abortion Technician, please and thank you.)