
Maybe next season.

@avclub-c701a997d9bef627835b036efb4eca63:disqus - Pretty sure a slutty ninja and a sexy samurai can still stab each other.

@avclub-a9dbf6c70f867fb5d09900f7bab79c25:disqus - I always assumed that was Bill Maher fucking Anne Coulter. (And I should always read further down before I post.)

*record scratch*

Pretty sure that a monkey-fighting PG-13 rating is going to ruin this Monday to Friday movie.

Sounds like you've found your out.  Good luck with the missus.

I once got sloppy drunk after a particularly unfortunate break-up (which I instigated - it was not mutual), then went to a party and proceeded to tell everyone in the room just how happy and relieved I was that I finally got up the nerve to break-up with my ex…who was of course sitting right behind me, sobbing.

I pre-ordered, completely forgetting that this month is nuts and I would have no time to actually play it.  It's still in the plastic, just taunting me.  This weekend is going to all about delicious foods (Portland (Oregon) Dining Month, continued) and that game.

Counterpoint: Always is one of the two movies I have ever walked out of a theater in the middle of (and yes that's an awkward sentence).

@avclub-72a8ab4748d4707fda159db0088d85de:disqus - I feel the same way any time any American refers to "The City" and they aren't talking about New York (and yes I know that's both different and ridiculous).  I'll try to remember which state I'm in from now on.

Actual advice: check your local laws before you get started.  A lot of places have limits on the number of chickens you can keep without permits (here in Portlandia it's 3), bans on roosters (for which I am eternally thankful), and/or requirements as to how far the chicken coop has to be from your neighbor's house

I said I didn't remember anything after the meat tenderizer, and I stand by that statement.


They're filthy, they stink, and they have the disconcerting habit of lurking around the grill when you're cooking chicken.  Fresh eggs are the bomb…but I didn't miss the chickens when the housemates that had them moved out.

I saw The Coup on Saturday for the first time in a tiny venue, and they blew the doors off.  So great…but I'm pretty sure that more than half of the crowd hadn't heard of The Coup before that Patton Oswalt video for "The Magic Clap" came out.  It made me really glad that it was the 3rd song they played.


A few years back I was living in an Airstream trailer with a married couple and their dog.  One day my OCD friend started to flush the septic system by putting a hose down the toilet and turning the water on.  Then he started changing the oil in his truck and making lunch simultaneously and forgot all about the toilet

When I was a kid, my family used to vacation on the Jersey shore.  I would spend the days in the ocean, doing the elementary school version of body surfing for hours at a time.  One day we got to the beach and there was no one in the water.  I ran in like an idiot and found myself surrounded by jellyfish.  A small one

Dollhouse was freaking great.  If you're not already watching Orphan Black, give it a shot - I find it fills that void nicely.

B…but to be fair, I was 9 when it came out.