A Limousine and a Peet-Zah

Slash should join Phish in the halftime show. One, 45-minute, mellow, nowhere song. YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT. I INSULTED PHISH.

No, he's correct with Cashmere, Zeppelin's B-side tribute to comfy stylish sweaters.


When you look at some of the contact that occurs in Aussie Rules and Rugby, it's a wonder they aren't dealing with their own head injury crisis. Players regularly get their head knocked in by other players knees and elbows.

Meh, I'm still waiting for the Avril Lavigne/Metallica team up.

No reason why they couldn't do a team-up show. Even though Springsteen did it a few years ago, a Pearl Jam/Springsteen show would be great.

I think Arcade Fire would absolutely kill at the Halftime Show. But they would probably need to throw in a few "special guests" in order to appeal to more demographics.

I always thought they shouldn't announce who the halftime show was, but play it up like it was someone huge. HUGE! That way you'd hold people in check through that commercial break just before the music.

Helmets. They're called helmets.

One of their subsidiary sites has the same initials as Batman the Animated Series, so it kept coming up in searches when I turned of the search moderator.

I have done quite a bit of research on Brazzers, so I guess that makes sense.

I'm still holding out hope that it is just a misdirection, as Thorazine has been known to cause false positives.