
Wake me up when Lisa Loeb does something.

It was a sad day when he passed on.

If the girl was interested in Ani DiFranco, it's a pretty safe bet she wasn't interested in you.

I do remember Paw! I think I got them confused with Wax.

We are the Misfits.

Hamilton, Joe, Frank & Reynolds or GTFO.

I think that may have been the point.

I'm seeing double! 4 Big Lebowski references!

Would you settle for 1990? Because that's Slacker.

Same! I had to see it as an adult to see beneath the veneer of "high school stoner comedy."

Bring back the Dissolve staff while you're at it.

oh, for…he's CATHOLIC.

The best thing about that episode is Kramer's complete lack of understanding of communism. To wit:

What about Monique Gabrielle?

Hey, to be fair, Mohd talks a lot about those cartoons where the schoolgirls get raped by tentacles.

All month? You must be new here.

Coven rhymes with oven, and that's no good, man!

You can come up with statistics to prove anything. 14% of us know that.

The Flophouse is better because it does not contain Jason Mantzoukas screaming the same three stock phrases throughout each review.