I'm just happy ZMF commented today.
I'm just happy ZMF commented today.
They didn't pay him enough to run.
Well, I am awesome.
Sluggo responding to Mohd responding to Pepsiā¦
It's the Inception of asshole commenters.
So, you'd prefer MohdTafiqTerrorist to get the firsts?
Gosh, it's almost as though lesbian pornography is made exclusively for the enjoyment of straight men and has nothing to do with actual lesbian sexuality!
I think I saw that scene, didn't it star Audrey Hollander and Leah Luv?
Oh, good. This hits my "slightly chubby gothabilly girl" fetish buttons.
Shut up! You're just jealous cause I have a car and have touched a girls boobs and drank a beer once!
No, it was very high school girl "tee hee, I'm being naughty" stuff with no explicit references to genitalia or sex acts.
Jake Gyllenhaal? What are you, 15?
I was so scarred by The Miracle of Life.
So this is a fictionalization of that Nada Surf song, right?
I had a friend who claimed to write erotic fiction, but it turned out her definition and my definition of "erotic" were two very different things.
I get such a weird tingle of nostalgia whenever anyone references a YA book I remember reading.
I always wondered why he wore the turtleneck above his face and if it had anything to do with the accident that blinded Joe in one eye.
It's the "Lost was about the characters, not the mysteries" excuse all over again.
I dunno about that, Shrines wasn't a terrible album.
I am a 25 years old nursing teacher.
The youngest brother states he was tired of carrying the wheel, but wants to thank the oldest brothers for all he's shown him and the middle one.