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    "buyers are adverse to hard sells"
    For the love of God: "averse."

    The Rischindulous List

    To ensure decorum, they're getting a real Native American to play his father: Johnny Depp.

    As of eight months ago, when Sandler appeared on his podcast, Norm MacDonald was supposed to be in this. Knowing that managed to make me excited when I started to read this story then disappointed when I finished and didn't see his name.

    FJM's new album comes out in February. He has shared two songs from it so far.

    I'm going to guess that they booked Will Arnett and Sean Hayes before they cancelled The Millers.

    This has to be Heller's cousin, right?

    Tilda Swinton = Nermal

    Sorry: McCartney wrote their biggest hit.

    I preferred these features when someone would write funny things about the taste tests and the tastes that had been tested rather than posting videos of people saying not-funny things.

    Can anyone explain to me how something said on a podcast that was posted eight days ago qualifies as "news" today? Does the newswire now consist of factoids from entertainments that AV Club writers happen to have caught up on listening to/watching that day?

    Amanda Peet? Isn't Lake Bell supposed to be getting all the Amanda Peet roles now? Was she cast in this film just so she could appear on the Late Show and serve as a junior Julia Roberts one last time before Letterman retires?

    I was going to make a joke about how CNN will probably just hire whoever's hosting America's Got Talent as his replacement until I realized that's Howard Stern, and I honestly think they'd hire Stern if they could.

    According to the Third Man Records Twitter account, it was "recorded on ancient electro-mechanical technology."

    Yes, The Beatles were excellent judges of talent. That's why we're all still dancing to the classic sounds of Chris Hodge, Lon and Derek Van Eaton, and the Black Dyke Mills Band.


    Speaking of which, when he says "she was into it" in reference to the "WABAC machine," did that sound terribly inappropriate to anyone else?

    I assume the headline on the front page is supposed to include the word "trailer" after the title. I assume I am a jerk.

    Wake me when they find nine Doctor Who episodes of Lost.
