
So I DJ blues dances on occasion.  I love this song and would like to play it more often, but it's hard to maintain a groovy, sultry energy in the room when everyone breaks out into a Rudy Huxtable impression halfway through the song.

Yep.  I'd have a very difficult time listing anything above this if asked to name my favorite episode.  Barney's "It begins!" is one of the best line readings in the history of the show.

Let's not forget TLC on that list.

I thought, "There's no way a movie with the scene pictured above can garner anything less than an A-" and then I realized that that's as nekkid as any of them will be, so yeah, C+ at most.

She's not a bad actress when she's tasked with playing the tough smart-ass chick. When she's required to stretch beyond that the results are … less than stellar.

You and Ron Swanson have a lot in common.

Only line that even got me close to laughing in the entire episode.

My immediate thought was, "So, like pretty much every other Family Guy episode."

One down, I don't know how many to go.

@avclub-84ca205fe6bc691c41c3bfe5a2820a15:disqus is right on the nose here, and @avclub-0249c8f5bef3524c4a72fecddc488aa6:disqus seems to have confused Empire with just about anything else.

You mean the movies right?   Cuz you certainly can't be talking about the books, which contain Bombadil.

You're not alone.  I'm not actively wishing for her death, but (unlike seemingly most of the other people here) I don't like her. She's a thief & a traitor. And not a traitor because she believes that her country is wrong. She's a traitor because she got caught being a thief. Nothing noble about that.

@Scrawler2:disqus  Why are the children a liability to the KGB?  What does the KGB care what happens to them after they disappear the parents?  The only issue I could see them having would be if they were worried that the kids knew that their parents were spies, but there was nothing that suggested that.

Yeah, as I referred to and @PaganPoet:disqus noted, the guys were easy & boring.

First off, if she doesn't kick some ape's head through a wall I'll be sorely disappointed.

Yeah, the fact that he opened with "beautiful" and then closed with it as well is a pretty clear sign.  It's actually disappointing to me.  I'd rather they didn't go down this path.

I dunno, that's how I described myself at my parole hearing.

I didn't think so, and even after reading all the discussion of it here, I still don't.  I know we've got to suspend some disbelief to enjoy television, but that guy being KGB is just ludicrous.  Way too much, "It has to happen exactly this way for it to be plausible" for me.  We have to assume that they know Paige &

I'm pretty sure Henry yelled "Knife!" as he bottled him.

Here I was like, "My god!  Someone who finds Monty Python as much of a boor as I do.  I'm right there with you, though my eyes usually glaze over and I check out whenever someone starts quoting that shit."