
I propose Jay Sherman.  I believe that he could describe this show succinctly. 

It's not obligatory, it's just tired and unamusing.

It's not obligatory, it's just tired and unamusing.

While I too cringe at the thought of a remake (as I do with basically ALL remakes) are any of you really worried that Ryan Reynolds wouldn't live up to the lofty standards set by Christopher Lambert?  Cuz seriously, that dude sucked.

While I too cringe at the thought of a remake (as I do with basically ALL remakes) are any of you really worried that Ryan Reynolds wouldn't live up to the lofty standards set by Christopher Lambert?  Cuz seriously, that dude sucked.

PERFECTLY stated @avclub-e831ff077a763d3be03866efc0c55e4f:disqus

I reread LotR roughly every 18 months, and have been doing so for around 30 years now.  I think I've skipped Bombadil's chapters every time since I was about 14.  They're just an utterly pointless waste of time.

I could care less about the historical accuracy of it.  This is a fucking fantastic film.  Oldman is amazing.  The scene where he puts his head on the piano and plays Moonlight Sonata is just heartbreaking.  Brings me to tears every time.  Hell, half the movie seems to do that.  Several of the scenes between Oldman &

White Nights.

There are not thousands of countries in the world.  Jeezus, what are they teaching in school these days?

One suggested improvement:  I see Felicia Day as Squirrel Girl. 

Holy crap, Fillion as Wonder Man is the best thing I've ever heard. 

@avclub-4a51fda79bbd54b4e7327dd6559b6c4d:disqus , I most certainly do.  Portman any day over Hathaway.  (Though on days when I'm up to it, it's both of them, alternating until I"m too chafed.)

Yeah, her lawyers have been shooting them down as well as they can, but they're out there if you do some searching.  Or, you know, just Google Image search for "Heather Morris Nude" with SafeSearch off.  That'll also turn up the coupla sorta silhouetty arty shots that she did as well.

@avclub-fbefa505c8e8bf6d46f38f5277fed8d6:disqus , differing viewpoints.   And often ones which are far more complex than most reviewers have the time for.  Check out any of Sophist's comments in the Buffy articles. 

Ah, I was thinking of the season 3 reviews, which showed occasional flashes of what the peanut gallery is wanting out of classic Simpsons reviews.

"If you don't do it, you can't criticize it" is absolutely the most bullshit response to criticism EVER.  If that's an example of the creativity & originality you're putting into your early early stage writing career, maybe you oughtta rethink it immediately.

I've found them to be hit & miss at best.  Some of them have been great, but then the next week will follow with exactly what was quoted above.

Wow, totally forgot that this was returning last night.  I guess that since Heather Morris' nude cell-phone pics were posted on the internet I really don't see the point in continueing to watch the show.

"I get appalled by how many sites host “reviews” that are little more
than two paragraphs of plot summary with a fannish “I liked this part
but didn’t like this other part” tacked on."