The Dunwich Whorehouse

I think vii is the only one I ever finished. I got all to the end of 9 but then my save file either got erased or corrupted. It was not a happy day. I think I quit x because of blitzball. Which one had the card game?

You just have to make it through the first round. He becomes much easier later.

007 373 5963
Straight to Mike Tyson

Yeah I am still not sure he wasn't the brother. I thought that was going to be the big reveal as well.

Shit, I should have scrolled down before making this point less eloquently.

Isn't a D- actually worse than an F? To me an F means you need to see that shit and laugh your ass off, whereas a D- means fuck this movie.

You should have a doctor look at that.

Maybe Tom will really like his slimy noodles made out of dog shit next time.

I am torn on that dude. It looks like he makes good food, but that was a real D-bag move.

I guess I was wrong. I never met anyone from Baltimore. To my Chicago ears she sounds just like the people I know from Pittsburgh.

Me thinks the reviewer has never met anyone from Pittsburgh. Bearded lady was straight Nebby Debby.

Head of the Family fucking rules. If you are insulting it you shall receive the Castle Freak treatment.(Which also rules.)

The Hitler's what?

So no mention of the fact that Jessica is a trouble-making whore. She fucked Jason, which led to his girlfriend suddenly turning evil and trying to kill everyone. Then Hoyt comes back and she instantly leaves Jason (again) for Hoyt. So she caused the whole evil vampire storyline, just because, and now we are

I would start with Option Paralysis. It has a good mix of older and newer sounds.

Tall woman from Nashville Pussy.

That is weird cause they got booed off in Chicago and ran away.

I was at a show in Chicago where they were booed off stage, and Durst had a meltdown on the side of the stage talking shit to the crowd on the still-live microphone. It was one of the oddest things I have ever witnessed.

Me thinks you should check out the Dillinger Escape Plan.

I came here for the same purpose, it sucks that they will forever get lumped in with all that garbage.