
too much of the running time gets devoted to the decoy plot rather than the actual sisters' relationship

Completely I am a little surprised the film and Brie doesn't seem to be garnering much buzz, I guess it just doesn't have a big enough studio to play the award season game.

I remember really enjoying it at the time but my last rewatch was probably 2005 so its all a blur.

And so much seems to happen in those 90 minutes, really are like films.

Technically 3 episodes, next week is episodes 12/13 packaged as a 2 hour season finale.

TV watched

Should make for a interesting second half of the season now Emily and the Graysons are both more open with each other - well as open as a show like Revenge can be. I wouldn't be surprised if Daniel dies this season.

So really what are the chances of Tatiana Maslany winning? My heart says yes my head says no chance because its a performance in a Sci-fi show.

I must have missed True Romance when I was looking at his filmography, admittedly its been many years since I've watched it but I don't remember him in it. Definitely due a rewatch.

Shame we won't get a Dewey and Dilly scene now maybe it is for the best their stupidity could have somehow caused the end of the world.

Truly can't wait for Justified to be back, it was my second favorite show of 2013 after Breaking Bad and has made my Top 5 list every year since S2. No other on show right now can touch it in terms of dialogue

I'm convinced they are waiting to use McShane as the final season Big Bad.

Yeah no way these episodes are a C+ both are in the B/B+range for me, loved the fake lawyers plot and I always find it sweet when Sabrina wants to be Hope's mom.

Seasons two and three are my favourites as well, though its been a long time since I did a complete rewatch so everything is hazy.

Oh god all the Peeta/Katniss stuff drove me nuts in the book - so yes it was handled a lot better in the film. Plus its the performance of Jennifer Lawrence she can make me care about anything.

Well lots of Doctor Who including the special twice and the Five(ish) Doctors Reboot. Both were brilliant and have restored my faith and love in the show. Really can't wait for the Christmas special.

Just did a search for MOS as well and yeah can't find the latest episode. We are now in uncertain territory of watching TV shows and not having a review to compare our thoughts to, I don't like it.

The Revenge review has disappeared and the link posted on the AVClub Twitter redirects to a "dead air" 404 page. Same with today's What's On Tonight which you can see has been uploaded but goes to a dead page. The photos accompanying TV reviews need to be smaller, there is no need for a huge picture at all.

The Middle (S1) - Just started watching this show. I'm not finding it that funny but it is kind of endearing and so 10 episodes later I am looking forward to more. Brick is by far my favourite character *whispers my favourite character*

I watched the whole of TGW in the space of 3 weeks after hearing all the good things about this season. I am so glad I gave it a shot, I usually stay well away from procedural dramas and CBS (Elementary being an exception) but TGW dragged me in.