
I've actually written four posts about "Gliding Over All" without even getting to that scene:

I was trained as a literary critic, so I had to read the Critique of Judgment. If Kant doesn't pound Pound POUND into your head the difference, nothing will.

"I feel a bit bad to mention the yale.edu ones don't work for some reason."

All I'll say is that in my universe, the Red Wedding ended very differently.

I'm saving those for later. I can't talk about eyelines before I talk about mise-en-scene and diegetic space, and I'm not going to get to them for a while yet.

"… but we can still talk about dicks, right?"

I'm not touching this with your ten-foot-pole. (At least, not until I have a little job security.)

He's already done that:

"I presume that you are using 'generic analysis' in your final paragraph
to refer to something pedestrian as opposed to actually analyzing genre?"

"Since you're participating in the comments"

My best friend's a chef, and he has a saying: "Sleep is for the weak." I've always thought it make a great tattoo, but I'm the grandson of survivors, so I'm not about to get one.

You joke, but you don't know how many of my students just didn't get the reference. To give you an idea, it was about the same number of students who didn't realize Prometheus was a prequel to anything and wondered what happened to that thing that appeared in the film's final moments.

"To take this beyond the critic's role, what I was referring to when I
talked about AV Club reviewers wanting to move beyond a discussion of
plot and character were things like @ToddVanDerWerff 's review of the
killer Santa episode of American Horror Story, which seemed to me
to be acknowledging that there are more

"In that case, writing about 20+ episodes of a show with less
plot/character to discuss in a given week left considerably more room to
expand to considerations of style and their relationship with meaning
(if only to keep things fresh in terms of writing about the show)."

Difficult Second Album:

I don't think we're disagreeing here. Angel's more indebted to procedurals because of genre, but MacLaren's stamping her style on shows across genres, which is what makes her interesting. In short, I think we're saying a similar thing: MacLaren works within the generic confines of the show, but still leaves a

I'll continue to respond to comments in the morning, but I do need to do that "sleep" thing if you want me to reply coherently. I'm looking forward to seeing what y'all post in the meantime.

When I read that article, I just wanted him to admit he was wrong. I think he wrote variations of "sufficiently capable" about fifty times, except when he was talking about Hunter's work with Glover.

I actually abandoned the fallow fields of Orange County for rural Louisiana, but yes, it wasn't ever easy living behind the Orange Curtain.

"I posted before I saw ScottEricKaufman had written the exact opposite.
Just going by what I learned in school, and what I've personally