
… squagels?

How dare you force me to see fiction is not reality! Y'all mother fuckers better start echoing my specific point of view to help me validate all my life decisions or else you can kiss my boycott hello.

No name check for Karl Urban? Thats dang salty, Matty D

So you're definitely not watching season 3

I got a Nightcrawler notification for this?

What the fuck are you talking about? Etta Candy is in a shit load of comics since WWII. She was married to Steve Trevor for a while. In current continuity she is Trevor's secretary, thin, and black. HOLA!

Questions remain. Is Jon a Targaryen or Baratheon? He looks a hell of a lot more like Gendry than he does Daenerys

Well that makes more sense then

If you don't love the idea of Ninja Man-Bats why are you reading superhero comics?

I got a Fire Fly notification for this?

Think you spelled "Jason's Lyric" wrong in that headline.

Don't slut shame Batman.

Ray Parker Jr. is rolling over in Bobby Brown's grave

How about we see it never & for free?

I think we're just watching to see Zach die at this point. Fuck that little shit.

I liked Rising Stars, but there is nothing worse than J-Mike's Spider-Man run accept maybe his Superman run or 'walk' to be more specific, and the godawful Supes Earth 1. Total garbage.

Hey Steve, General Zod called, he wants his blouse back.

Looks like ol' Jim Gordon is dabbling with Venom.

Sadly, 10 years ago it would have been Missy Elliot & Fall Out Boy

I want a new drug.