
At least Rocker's segment was largely about Natalie.

I think Judge undervalues Earl. Just one of the many ways he and Jeff Probst are similar.

I'm a semi-Fiji defender, as are you and maybe a few others. But I don't love it. Can't imagine anyone who "loves" it. Whereas there are actual weirdos who love Nicaragua.

Yeah. Come back after your second divorce Baylor.

Fuck your facts.

What I've learned in the years commenting here and especially after the summer podcast series is that there's always someone somewhere who will love any season.

Which was a big problem last season, when seemingly every challenge had a puzzle. Unlike this season, where they largely disappeared until the final challenge. To the point where I had no idea if any of these three were even good at puzzles.

So much lulz. Such a great moment.

It's from additional content not on the show. From interviews and cut scenes, she seems like she could've been really good. But, she lost early, which happens.

She looked great on the reunion. So weird to see a woman with her makeup done up well at a reunion.

Thankfully, I'd never go to the Survivor Reddit.

Low bar.

It felt weird to be able to judge other people for being too into the show.

Then Dawn will never give up the loved one's reward…

No season of Survivor has ever actually given us 18 different story lines. Not even All-Star seasons.

He had one job!

Real talk: since I've had more than enough time to come to terms with the idea that I hadn't earned back a spot, I've decided that participating in fantasy Survivor clouds my judgement as a commenter. Even in this episode, there was a part of me that wanted Jaclyn to beat Natalie, which is not an outcome that would

Correct. She was on Nashville Star prior to Survivor. Which brings her reality TV show count to three so far, unless I'm missing something (entirely possible, since following Whitney Duncan's career is not a big priority for me).

Here's how useless the "how would you have voted" hypothetical question is: when they did it in Philippines, Carter and Penner had already arranged backstage for people to pretend that they wouldn't have voted for Malcolm, just to fuck with Probst.

Way to break your ankle, thus eliminating you from contention of winning the final four immunity Missy!