
In today's world, it's basically impossible to talk to someone on the other side of the country.

I agree with this hypothesis. Done, no need to discuss.

I agree with this. Just wanted it on the record.

In that instance the "there" is a penis.

Two, so far. Which is two more confessionals than we've gotten about Jaclyn's womb.

And the timing would work here for this. I think what we saw was more or less the whole story available. The convo between Jon and Missy probably lasted a little longer to get to the decision, then the info is disseminated to Baylor and Reed, both who agree with no resistance.

Clearly the hyphen thing really bothers you.

I'm thinking Jaclyn might be more of an Amber than a Natalie.

They didn't even show the reward! That's how much they were keyed in on Jeremy.

All true. They were probably still the best this cast had to offer.

Let's not rule out them pulling a Guatemala with this season.

I'd take it as a bigger compliment, but I'm guessing Tony listened to every Survivor podcast and read every Survivor blog last season.

How'd the reward challenge points get divvied? Jeremy and Natalie or Jon and Jaclyn?

I actually predicted a few weeks ago who was getting the winner's edit: nobody. There will be a winner; but there is no winner's edit.

He's playing for his dad.

Maybe the editors were just trying to make lemon aid out of lemons. Sure, it'd be better if they built up these remaining players, but sometimes, there's no there there.

Another possibility: other than Missy agreeing to vote out Jeremy, it's possible that Jon's discussion with her about the idol was the entire discussion about voting out Jeremy. After that, it was just about the other three people (Missy, Baylor, Reed) agreeing. Maybe we didn't get to see a lot of strategy talk

I clued in when Jeremy got a second segment at Exile. Two segments in one episode focusing on your inability to find an idol? Not good.

Survivor also bounds itself to the laws of America, no matter where they are filming (while also recognizing the laws of the country they are in).

For obsessives checking the end of this post on weekends, the latest podcast is up. Apologies for the lateness, dad-stuff. No JudgeReinhold this week (well, pretty much no Judge), so Little Emma Adderall co-hosted instead: