
My basic stance is thus: it's a dick move, but whatever. Survivor is not a genteel game. People watching at home need to stop thinking that it is.

You can also be a fan without applying to be on the show.

I'm guessing "Win Survivor" would be one of those things.

It's in his boot!

I think there's a point to this. I'd also say that Julie had more than enough time and opportunity to overcome that first impression. Instead, she confirmed it through her actions.

I will fight to the death for "Purple Rock".

It's possible to be "best" and also "crappy".

Which could explain his anger at Colton. Because I'm guessing Probst fought that casting. So he was as angry with the other producers as he was with Colton.

Julie doesn't even make the top ten worst treated Survivors. Many of whom never quit.

You got me.

Yes. That is an excellent list of why Nicaragua is the worst season in the history of the show.* Until that crazy last two sentences that doesn't follow all the sentences that precede it.

I don't fault them because the very concept of a post-merge tribe is fucking stupid. The tribal portion of the season is over! We don't need to name this collection of singles!

Jon wouldn't even need to be the favourite for the final immunity challenge. EITHER him or Jaclyn winning would be enough, and both should be favoured over Missy and Baylor in almost any challenge.

This one.

No matter who wins, we lose! Not just for Aliens vs Predator anymore.

With this season, it's appropriate. They should never go back to this country (although I imagine they already have for 30).

A team with Julie and Reed was in first place? Man, this season sucks.

Dana was fucked up medically, so she gets a pass. Don't know why Survivor decided to get all hardcore into forcing her to quit, since she was clearly incapable of continuing.

Jon's dad's a big fan. So he might have more than a passing familiarity.

That kinda sounds like you're insulting Kim.