
Yeah, as @mark_lindquist:disqus says, Dale's attitude is food-related, which is a big deal when all you're doing is sitting around thinking about eating. Missy's whole "that's not how we did it at our camp" must've been INFURIATING, since they way they did it at their camp was wrong.

I do think the recency of Tony, Tyson, Kim, Boston Rob are a little more relevant than earlier seasons. I think it's become more necessary to have control over that unstable element in modern Survivor. Not completely necessary if you can reduce it's power in other way (like how Idol holders were targeted in Caramoan)

I think they would consider sticking with the all girl alliance, but won't get the opportunity due to the fact that there's gonna be a tribe swap next week. So the chances of the four of them still being on the same tribe are small.

I've wondered that. Maybe tweeting a response that "yes, I've watched all episodes of Survivor" is not the same thing as "these are the things I did on the current season of Survivor".


I'm not sure I'm prepared to accept Drew's interpretation of any series of events.

It also wasn't a very cool thing to do to Julie. On the first BvW, Monica's tribe had more tact when Brad Culpepper was voted out.

Everything this. A goat whose vote is not aligned to yours is not a goat.

She is not ready for that level of internet comment board commitment.

For the idol question, idols are often put back in play after their owner is voted out with them in possession. But for this season, it might be difficult due to the shared clue bit on Exile. They'd have to put it back in the same spot.

I thought of that too, but A) there didn't seem to be an opportunity and B) as @avclub-800d427f7b19cf6f05ec777b2beb9a25:disqus points out, Drewchebag was on her boyfriend's side.

That guy was fucking with you. It's eh. Hoser.

I imagine if there was a bigger team effort to throw the challenge, there would also be more of a consensus of who to vote for after throwing said challenge. Instead, it was pretty clear that after the challenge was the first time anyone had talked to anyone about who to vote for.

Yes, an even better talking point.

Just look at the photo on this review. What is going on Reed? Are you made of reeds?

Getting sent home at the last tribal council isn't a sign of poor gameplay. It means you lost the final challenge. Some of the best players to never win were sent home in that spot.

Yep. Can't imagine Danni got a lot of airtime at this point in Guatemala.

Maybe Jaclyn will bond with her new tribemates by sharing that tidbit.

Because the idea of actually watching Survivor is mystifying to Drew.

Classic move. Tease the girl you like.