
There is SO MUCH of what we got from Woo that we never would have if he was the winner.

I had that thought today as well. Turns out, Kass ruined her whole game by choosing Spencer over J'Tia.

We were laughing a fair bit. It played even better than I hoped. Especially since John couldn't conceive of a world where people don't hate Phillip as much as he does.

They'd only have four cameras and three mics. It'd be hosted by Ben Mulroney.

But, hey, put him in the hall of fame.

It's fucking amazing that you probably have this season's runner-up, and can't even manage to be in the top half of the pool.

Canadian Survivor would be the saddest shit ever.

His son Boston.

And rump-shaking.

"Trial by combat".

Yeah. I'm still operating in a world where everyone attended last night's tribal council.

"Grab your torches".

Uhh… Parvati vs Sandra? Or do you mean we haven't seen that in a final two? If so, BURN Fishbach!

Carrie will bring back the New Jack Swing era to the AV Club, kicking and screaming.

If Spencer doesn't lose the second vote of the season we probably would've seen a totally different Spencer. Think about how he reacted when Kass flipped at TC. That was his building entitlement dying out. Think about how he was when he played his idol and trash-talked Woo.

Final three, Spencer wins immunity, Kass and Woo are convinced Tony's idol is still playable.

I should clarify: I don't hate Spencer. He's fine. But the passionate love he's been getting by many other observers completely baffles me. I feel like people are assigning him qualities that he hasn't exhibited as ways of explaining his success because those qualities are absent in everyone else.


Randy on Gabon. Who came back for HvV.

This is correct.