Tony's strategy with the slide puzzle is exactly the same as his entire Survivor strategy. And so far, it's magically worked.
Tony's strategy with the slide puzzle is exactly the same as his entire Survivor strategy. And so far, it's magically worked.
I have that speech more practiced than anything Trish ever said.
Assistant Coach.
Another thought: they were planning a final two, but then were horrified by the idea of Kass being in it, and switched back to a final three.
I am having the same thought.
Full disclosure: I've not seen any of that season since it aired (the same is true of all seasons, btw), and watched it through the lens of not liking Daughtery and his merry band of losers from early on. So I do have my bias.
Woo. In a sweep.
Woo = Annyong.
We're all thinking that Woo is Fabio, because they're both dim surfer bros. But Spencer is Fabio: hasn't made an important decision yet. But is still alive due to immunities and other people's moves. Could easily win.
But weren't we all thinking the same thing then? If only there was some digital record that I wasn't too lazy to look up.
My bet is she's called herself that. Friends get to say shit like that affectionately. At least me and my friends are.
Apparently, a lot of us thought this. And couldn't wait to tell the world.
Yul's did. That was the first final three: him, Ozzy, and Becky.
Yeah. That.
We're already there. Caramoan had players targeted left and right due to either their possession of an idol, or suspected possession. In BvW, people were publicly throwing clues in the fire to avoid even the appearance of idol-having.
THIS. There is really no comparison we all can make from our couches as to what it must feel like to finally see a friendly face fully on your side while you've been playing a stressful, physically draining games.
If Spencer wins, he deserves it. But I too would view him as a middle of the pack winner. His resume is basically "did not get voted out". Which, obviously, is enough to win a season. Not enough to impress me.
Possibility: when you see a jury react the way they are to Kass, do you ever vote her off?
Upvoted for def-jam audience reference.
Hey probably should've been. But it turned out that Brice couldn't really bench that much.