"Beat it"
"Beat it"
It's okay, Chris; nobody has to know you're impotent- [winces, clicks fingers]
Bombing the storage depots at Daiquiri?
Surely you're joking?
Took me 11 months just to see it in the first place.
Who killed Cock Robin?
I, said Quentin Sparrontino,
With my bow and my arrow
I killed Cock Fucking Robin.
"That's not chocolate."
Every few years, I reread this review: someday I'm actually going to watch this movie
(Hands officer a gun) "Save the paperwork"
Maybe not fundamentally bad - but the last scene is a bit graonworthy
Ah but the urinal mints were pretty funny
Loike an Ayngul, pissing on yoour tangue
A big bowl of dumb fun.
Loved this - the sheer ballsiness of using Queen etc. Pass the popcorn.
I may now actually watch this sometime
Oh, for the love of God - how can anyone not have commented on this already?
Pollock's dad: "Life, ahhhhhhhhhhh… finds-a-way. And there you have it."