jimmy chitwood

It's a shame the actor who plays Loras is so unconvincing as one of the most fearsome knights in Westeros, otherwise that would have been something to really look forward to.

Not to mention how cartoonishly easily the Kingsmoot crowd was swayed first by the guy saying they had never had a Queen, then Yara saying she would be a great leader, then by Theon saying his sister would be the best leader, then by Euron's diametrically opposing rant.

That was pretty funny. Whenever they showed the crowd at the Kingsmoot, there only seemed to be about 100 people there or so, but it looks like Yara and Theon sailed away with at least several dozen ships, which I suppose you would need a 1,000 or so sailors to handle?


Anybody know the annoyingly catchy French pop song playing in that Les Jeunes De Paris skit?