min alskaren

well bully for you


guys it's okay, he has anecdotal evidence.

do you really not understand how their hateful rhetoric encourages violence against the lgbt community?

i don't think he can, he's too busy reading his own comments aloud and jerking off to how "witty" he thinks they are.

and support legislation to restrict our rights but that's not hate i guess.

thanks for contributing with your comments that may as well be keysmash-fartnoise

god you are disgusting aren't you.
you know what should be a safe space? a gay night club during pride month. that should be a safe space. but it's not anymore. we are getting closer and closer to not having any real safe spaces for those in our society who are attacked and marginalized, hope you're happy.

what in the hell is this comment

they seem mad with reality in general in this comment section

if by "Yesterday" you mean "9 years ago he was for civil unions publicly" sure

stop stealing my bit

one of my main reasons i married a librarian, if i'm being honest.

i guess age appropriate honesty, that's kind of my approach for everything when it comes to my kids. they're living in this world too and there are definitely things i want, and do, shield them from but hatred like this exists in our world and it's important to teach them that it's not okay.

i'm a member of the lgbt community as well and it's okay to feel gutted.
a lot of my friends are trying to stay positive and i love and respect them for it but i also think there's nothing wrong with not being at that point yet.
it's a loss and we're all grieving. some of us deal with grief in different ways and as long

my kids are older than yours and we discussed it at the dinner table tonight, it was difficult but necessary.

hey some of us have had a lot of sex ok

It's a Jeffrey Dean Morgan thing for sure.

Gentle Herpes made one down thread.

ha! very true.