min alskaren

slime flavored like the original, i hope.

so that's why they made the seats red!

also I've played the games and I adore Travis Fimmel but this movie is still a wreck.

thanks for the rec! i emailed her a link to the title so she can decide if she wants to read it or not.

I got a lot, don't worry.

a youth pastor once told me that even using substitute curses was bad because he intent is still there.

thank you. my point in sharing is that statistically this is such a common occurrence that it's important for us to change the way we discuss it.

yes! and I've been waiting patiently for my oldest daughter to read it. she's only 10 right now and is currently working her way through the hunger games series.

you mean to tell me Jared Leto sent all those used condoms for nothing?

I wish you would listen to what I'm saying to you, but I see that you're not so I'm going to stop wasting my time.

oh wow! thanks for the link. I was basing my comment on what I've experienced which is anecdotal. this was an interesting read.

I loved reading YA as an actual young adult and I still enjoy reading some YA novels.
It's the appeal of the female protagonist that usually draws me in and also, as discussed in this roundtable, there is something for everyone.
And it is interesting to see how much the genre has changed over the years.

it also sends the message to people like me, rape survivors, that we should go back and re-examine our rapes to try and figure out what small thing we did that made it our fault.

and, again, but searching for a way to place blame on the victim you are removing blame from the rapist.

but you do understand that your line of thinking is what helps make this a reality? your insistence on finding what this woman did wrong instead of placing 100% of the blame completely on her attacker.

the first time i wasn't black out drunk but i was definitely passed out after getting mildly drunk. by some small miracle i was able to make enough noise through the hand covering my mouth that he wasn't able to finish.

the problem is that so many rapes occur this way and your line of thinking here supports rapists, blames their victims and perpetuates the idea that women are asking for it.

every single comment you've made supports the rapist because you are remove some of the blame from him and placing it on the woman.
it is NEVER her fault. it doesn't matter if she's walking around drunk at a party. it is not her fault.

no one has to look very hard

and what you're not understanding is that you are blaming her instead of placing all of the blame on the person who raped her.