min alskaren

also if you think GLAAD is about reinforcing gay stereotypes you are wrong.

romance? i agree.

GLAAD isn't trying to bully anyone, my god.
and the av club is about media news and seeing as how GLAAD is an organization devoted to, among other things, improving the representation of queers in media, this article belongs right where it is.

"this isn't necessarily a series that has many romantic undertones in it"
you may consider the romances weak but they're not undertones at all, they're straight up major plot points.

this is one of my favorite arguments because the answer is simple: why not?

they are just the cutest, seriously.

is there a way for me to volunteer for this?

i don't know, in my opinion the fact that film is fantasy makes it even more shameful that it's less inclusive. it's like there's aliens but a dude can't kiss another dude or everyone loses their shit.

i guess you haven't seen darth vader with his mask off.

it sounds like you're not a part of a marginalized group

look no further than this comment section!

because the existing straight romances aren't shoehorned in there

the same case could be made that it's a whole different galaxy, are the characters even human? certainly humanoid. why are they default heterosexual?


well glaad's whole deal is encouraging media to be more diverse when it comes to LGBT representation, so it's exactly their place to do stuff like this.

it may be sexless but it's not loveless or free of romance.
in fact it's one of the central plots of the entire franchise.

maybe my comment wasn't clear because i love shippers. i'm a shipper and i get cranky when people imply shippers are bad and stuff.

i'd love for finn and poe to get together but i'm more interested in poe being queer than any specific pairing.

oh god not the shippers again!!

they're not forcing them to do anything.