min alskaren

you know you don't have to read them?
or comment on them?

thank god you're not beyonce

what is your point
ETA: a reddit link! how novel.

also upvoting you for calling out dickishness

and i'm sure her collaborators are listed and thanked for their work and were compensated appropriately.
like it or not, comments like yours come across a certain way because the end result devalues beyonce's talent and her hard work and there's also the implication that because she had collaborators the end result is

"i think the argument here is that she's NOT growing like those artists, though"
in your opinon

"Or could it be that she decided to ride the Black Lives Matter train to Moneytown?"

different people like different things would be my guess

i know right? not only are they rich snobs but they're music is inferior because i have to pay for it!!!

i feel like it's gotten worse lately and i used to not blame disqus but now i think that may be at least part of it? because people comment on popular disqus discussions without actually being regular avc members.
but honestly that would only cover a small portion of it.
for some reason articles or reviews pertaining to

not too sick to read this article and comment on it though

it's not as bad as i thought it was going to be, which is saying something.

yeah a lot of them dabbled with that weird balaclava head sock thing and as a viewer and a reader in the 90's i never questioned it. even now, reading the new 90's x men the costume choices make perfect sense to me.
gambit also has those impressive shin guards.

i don't think i could bring myself to login to test your theory but i know you're right.

this article was a beautiful and powerful read, thank you.
it's unfortunate the comments have to be a such a hot dumpster fire of male voices.

what about the comments

beyonce, a black woman, is appropriating a statement about black women? are you sure?

i am absolutely down for gambit putting on his 90's era ugly neon.

i gotta disagree, their costumes are pretty iconic in my opinion.

wow, you know a lot about women.