min alskaren

i love her so much
and if you're not following her on twitter already you should

tara's death still haunts me.

i really hate him for leaving the band and somehow making blink 182 a headline again

this is the worst fart doctor sketch i've ever seen

your poop is delicious

hang on let me see if the ladyboner i had for him when i was 13 is still intact.
yup, still there.

there's that one guy from the first season of true blood who i am literally too lazy to google

the author picked the perfect photo for this story

"you do you, internet. you do you!"

hey who told you about the coconut oil?

if duchovny comes back i'll watch just like i watched most of californication

i want to tell you a story about the first time i watched toy story 3 in the theater with my 4 1/2 year old daughter.
they're in the furnace and i just remember thinking "they're REALLY doing this, they're going to kill them" and then the toys all hold hands and i'm trying to hold back my tears when my 4 1/2 year old

some of us don't have to google our porn

please stop

that's how rapists work, though. they're your friend, your boyfriend(or girlfriend), your date. they are intelligent and articulate people in your day to day life, not some stranger attacker or whatever(statistically speaking, that is.)
honestly they don't even have to be careful seeing as how the vast majority of rape

i only come here to check the status of alien jesus' groot and to also talk about how much chris pratt activates my lady boner

let's kick their dick in together!

i love her so much and i look forward to reblogging quotes from the book on tumblr

i'm so excited… oh, oh, right there!

they want my GoT slashfic? are they sure?