min alskaren

with tv you that the immediate gratification that you just don't get with movies

you are the worst

for some reason i decided to rewatch this movie while i was pregnant with my first child. after my daughter arrived i was overtired and overwhelmed and the insane, eraserhead-fueled nightmares that followed after that first week… i'll never forget it.

great now can they make an app that deletes all of my husband's u talkin u2 to me references?

whatever i still have high hopes for this season especially considering it's going to have lots-o-ladies.

i don't think i could watch it again but i'm sure as hell going to try.

i live in the rural south and i know a lot of shitty people, too! *high five*

i know this is anecdotal but i follow dozens of adult women on tumblr who consistently post or reblog gifsets made from the assassin's creed cut scenes. this was happening so frequently that i eventually had to blacklist the ass creed tag.
so, anyway, these ladies are out there and people who think they aren't are so

when this show started i a massive fan, having read some of the sookie stackhouse novels i couldn't wait to see how it translated to the screen.
over the years i had various gripes about some of the changes or liberties the show chose to take with the source material but overall i was pleased with viewing the show

right? i haven't even been called the "c" word yet.

i feel like this comment thread would be funnier if people knew we were married.

night, babe!

because it has the connotation of "less than" or "not as good" or "not real" and that shit rubs me the wrong way.
i think we're actually agreeing on the negative connotation associated with casual games or whatever.

i know your wife has a smokin' rack on her.

is this your way of introducing yourself, or…

i'm just going to sit here and wait for you to prove me now right you are.

"Women overwhelmingly play causal games. Let's not pretend otherwise…"
you're so wrong and let's not pretend otherwise.

it's okay to tell them that your wife plays some of these "real" games and sometimes she "really" kicks your ass

yeah i'm mostly just talking about how attractive he was in that role and less about his actual performance.

they're also arguably the cutest