min alskaren

well you've royally screwed the case i've been building for the last 10 years. now my husband is never going to watch saved by the bell with me and it's all your fault.
i hope you're happy, todd.

so like all tv shows then?

whoa there buddy this isn't game of thrones okay

well that's always been my philosophy

i've decided i'm too drunk to have this conversation. carry on.

the answer is simple: show two dicks for ever set of breasts.

god i was so happy to see more of her story this season but it just made me want even more! i love her.

but that's kind of the point. it's nice to have a new, more annoying piper-type in the mix to show us how far piper as come.


that's the only way to use the internet, really.

i am merely commenting to say that i would totally do tony stark's dad.

"and especially about motherhood."
this comment is 100% accurate.

as someone on the inside i can confirm the fuck out of this.
on the upside it's made me care even less about other people's opinions on just about everything which i didn't even know was possible.

i was chemically induced for 2 days before my doctor was like "failure to progress." he told me that at his morning rounds. by his evening rounds he was telling me that i could keep laboring or i could have the baby now and then he informed me that he wouldn't be on call the next day which meant some dude i didn't

i've had 3 c-sections.
the first i was talked into by my doctor
the second was a failed attempt at a vbac(baby got into an emergency situation)
the third was a set of twins who were transverse and even if they had turned into "birthing" position there's not a doctor who would assist in a "natural" birth after 2

all swords are phallic symbols though, so…

you gonna die

i love mark sheppard. I LOVE HIM. but i'm sick of crowley.
he was better at the tail of this season so maybe that means he'll continue being better into season 10.
i really wanted abaddon in this role. still bitter.

my husband is a library director so i have a ton of secondhand experience with awful patrons

that's an interesting viewpoint. :)
i don't think we know enough of cas and his human proclivities to know whether or not romantic love for him is strictly hetero. even as an angel he had a thing for meg who was possessing a female body but i don't think that necessarily makes his feelings or whatever for her