min alskaren

yeah they kept bringing it up at SDCC last year in reference to how season 9's storylines were going to be separate but parallel blah blah blah THEY ARE LIARS WHO LIE

there is a miracle demon cure tho

i'm not sure what dean's demon status is gonna be.
what i hope is that he immediately kills crowley and becomes king of hell.

"Sam has actually had most of the entire shows big arcs."

i disagree.
but i have a raging ladyboner for angel helo so it's possible i'm being partial. maybe.

oh wow that's a really awesome thought

well isn't that special

it was incredibly easy for me to go there because i've wanted demon dean since season 3 so as soon as he got the mark of cain i immediately thought "THIS IS MY TIME TO SHINE"

you should have spent more time in my demon!dean tag over on tumblr

nah, demon dean isn't villain territory for me.
it's more like someone put an adorable puppy in a cardboard box and the sides are so tall that the adorable puppy can't crawl out of said box.
the puppy is dean.
he'll get out, eventually. maybe sam or cas will pick him up.

nah, dean as a demon was totally predictable. but maybe i just feel that way because it's been like my number one kink for years.
Worst episode: “Rock And A Hard Place.” — AGREED
Season MVP: Crowley, always. — DISAGREE MVP IS DEAN ALWAYS

the supernatural finale was really good i can't wait to see how they squander this opportunity in the upcoming season

you and me… we can row this boat together.

i don't think the cilantro comparison rings true.
it's like saying "all non-fiction books are terrible."
there are endless universes of subject matter—it's the written word for pete's sake!
i get that fanfiction has this certain reputation but blanket statements are poopy and i don't like them.


like bad fanfiction, yes.
but not all fanfiction is bad.

i told myself i'd keep watching no matter what and my insane love for jensen ackles/dean winchester will probably hold me to that statement.
but it has gotten so bad that i'm inclined to agree.

do i just put the whole container in my vagina, or…

yeah berens has been pretty incredible. i would be so sad to lose him!