min alskaren

i happen to ship destiel(among other things) and i didn't see it as her giving the finger to anyone. people, including myself, didn't enjoy the last episode she wrote because the former sex worker isn't even a person—she's barely a character. her sole purpose for existing was for dean to fuck her. it was lame.

he's been reacting really well, thus far. tara hit him pretty hard because that season is so dark and he kept saying stuff like "at least tara and willow have each other" and it was so hard to not respond when he was saying stuff like that.

also it seems like they've got so much going on and i can't see how they're going to bring any of this together before the finale. this episode was a ton of fun and i thoroughly enjoyed it but the parallels between the ghostfacers and the winchesters break up/make up were a little too heavy handed for my taste.

oh gosh my husband hasn't seen buffy or angel and he's largely unspoiled. we've been watching together over the past couple of months. he's in the final season of buffy/season 4 of angel right now and it's too much fun watching his reactions.

i was certain they were going to bring the ghostfacers back just to kill them because that's what supernatural does. it's never felt so good to be so wrong.

and they would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for those meddling winchesters(and ghostfacers.)
the snooki guest appearance is next week, right? they switched two episodes around for some reason.

7 days and i'm still laughing over this shit damn

this trailer is really doing it for me

really? i didn't catch that

i've recommended that season of angel to people who have had no desire to watch angel
"just watch season 5," i tell them.

get in line, deary.

ugh i love mark p's face so much

aren't they notorious for not letting people use their music, though? this is a thing my husband told me and i didn't bother to fact check him.

john had a storage unit there so i'm pretty sure it's just a call back to that.

personally, i think the angel storyline lacks appeal because they've killed off all the angels we know and cared about and now we're meeting this new crop and i'm just not that interested in getting to know them.
i'm all for an angel war but i want sam and dean and cas to fight that shit together.

this episode was all over the damn place but i was happy to finally see castiel again. i was less happy that they didn't give us some bullshit excuse as to where he has been for the last couple of episodes.
ghost kevin :(
linda tran :(
this episode :(
this season :(

this is just phil's style. i'm so happy he doesn't review supernatural anymore.

it's pretty disgusting how excited i am about this

i see what you did there

"I think Dean takes them as a complete rejection."
excellent point.