min alskaren

he's going to break his contract THERE

i don't know.. the worse the review the better the comments seem to be(not like they're not good now but, hey.)

@avclub-15d496c747570c7e50bdcd422bee5576:disqus yes, i want that end!verse future to happen so bad. it will be painful and miserable but awesome and beautiful. plus cas orgies—sign me up.

re-watching with the husband tonight and i can't help but fantasize about how cool it would have been if sam and gone with death. if sam had gone to heaven and fought this "war" from the heaven side? damn.

i don't know what you mean, hon. dean making the same decision he's made more than once is progress, i say! nay, character development!
good grief. it doesn't have balls to do with his choice being morally ambitious. dude kills people for a living okay? my issue(i'm a fangirl so i guess take my opinion with a grain of

"it would've been fun to see Cass in a Misery sort of situation"
1. cas
2. i strongly disagree

yes. it seems my prayers to the dark lord have finally been answered.

it was kind of nice to see cas take charge like that. i'm sure we've got some awkward and depressingly woobie cas moments ahead but for now i enjoyed seeing him not be a broken shell of a former angel.

jimmy's long gone

misha confirmed jimmy has been out of the building for quite some time now, according to his conversations with writers/producers.

did anna refer to it as such? i can't recall.

agreed. the brothers ended in such a solid place last season. it's a shame that they're already having a wedge driven between them. and dean… jesus christ, man. i know this is true to dean's character, believe me i know but my god. i was hoping that conversation in the church was going to bring about some real change.

i loved the new title card AND cas took off his clothes so i wanted to give this episode an A based solely on that but i ended up with a more ration B+. they had a lot of ground to cover in this premier and i thought they could have done it a little better but overall i'm happy and i think i'm gonna like this season.


oh no! the fangirls?!? god they come in and ruin everything with their silly opinions.

any show at the bronze

a new reviewer for supernatural, you say?

i feel so unsatisfied with this final season. like dry humping for an hour with no intercourse. 

thanks but no thanks.

that's precisely why i posted the update.