min alskaren

This comment has really changed how I viewed the Brady aspect of the episode.
I don't know why it came off as so lame to me before. I just feel like so much bad is going on that I can barely handle anymore revelations.. but in a good way.
If that makes sense.

That is Bunny Colvin! Great now I have to watch this.

I'm sure he'll die. Helping the Winchesters = death

Stray Observation #2
The vaccine was a means for infecting people with the Croatoan virus. Thus the Croatoan inclusion in the 'Then' opening and that bloody death in the first scene.

was the best part.

They could, I don't know, try to find copies of the CD on the internet?

No flames from me. I love the show.

So his role isn't even that big? They almost got me.

There needs to be much, much more of her this season.

Draper's got nothing on Eric Northman.

Probably not seeing how Jessica has gone all Lorena on us.

I mean no offense whatsoever but if I felt that way about a show I'd probably stop watching. I just wouldn't put myself through it.

Maybe the real Loki will show and do some tricking.
I don't know if I could accept that, though.

I don't quite get all the complaints about this season's timing and it's Monster of the Week episodes versus mytharc ones. It's timed just like every other season.
Sure, Lucifer is loose and they've built up to this for awhile now but they built up that Lilith showdown, too and look how that turned out.

I've had more than one person tell me that they didn't notice Sun was speaking English until Frank said something because they were caught up in the moment.
This is why they have to toss in annoying lines like that.

It was difficult to tell what kind of shape he was in exactly. He looked bloody and beat up so who knows how bad his injuries are.

Was it Miles that gave the number of bodys? I think it was 4 but I could be wrong.
I really need to re-watch this episode.

And their taxi cabs need gps tracking.

gods explainer
All of the flashes explaining the gods was a bit silly to me but other than that I loved the episode.
Lucifer showing up and killing everyone made it all the more enjoyable except Gabriel. I was hoping he'd make it out and give us a Trickster episode in season 6.

His line about Helen seemed a bit off, too. The way he said she was a woman he was suppose to marry instead of just saying she was his fiance.