
I would love to see a Community episode created totally from the ingenuity we have among the Communists in Italics. If they do screw up the finale, we should have everyone work together to make our own version. (And yeah, this is kind of impossible since we only internet-know each other, but it would still be cool.)

As long as they remember Jeff's reservation at Morty's Steakhouse on May 23, 2013.

And if Snidely is using the entire comment section as a metaphor for the circle jerk, that means that his comment here includes himself as one of the 100,000 guys in the circle jerk. And being new, he is much less likely to be able to understand the complexities of such a circle jerk, putting him at a distinct

This is actually the most touching 100K post yet.

It's so crowded on the other board. This feels more like an intimate get-together. Which I am now crashing. 40,000 OR BUST!!

Yeah I say we endorse Gauephat's comment.

ALL RIGHT everybody. I wanna say something, so sit down.

You have a really great ear for dialogue—your Abed lines are especially in-character. Really, really great job on this.

Whenever I hear someone mention "A Good Day to Die Hard", I just think of Pierce saying "A good day to be gay!" It makes it even more impossible for me to take the movie seriously.

Bork. Bork bork bork.

I love the reappearances of the old, black lady who Jeff thinks is a cosmic mentor. Also, if they kept Coach Bartel that means no Coach Bogner, which means no Physical Education.

I'm excited* about Youngstown State University: 4-1 and they knocked off a decent Pittsburgh team. My parents used to work there, amd it's nice to see the team be good, as they've been mediocre ever since Jim Tressel left.

I'm only half, and I look pretty white.

As a Korean American, I am obligated to love Gangnam Style.

Apart from watching the Orioles win last night (!!!), I finished Season 1 of the Wire. This is the most devastating show ever. I think I teared up at least 3 or 4 times in the season finale, and I had moments where I wanted to punch people at least twice as often. The worst part is that there are absolutely no

Basically, the first half was all a dream.

The difference is that the rest of the AV Club will probably take notice of it, since we know we're getting a Great Job, Internet. Lots of people will come to congratulate us or make fun of us, so yes, it will be busier than normal.

I didn't count Space Jam, but if I had it probably would have been #1.

Shrek gets an A from me just for putting the line "You think he's compensating for something?" in a kids movie. It went over my head for years.