
Right. When Jeff did the search for his dad in the closing montage he was in the study room, but that's the only time anyone's been there since CLU.

Right. When Jeff did the search for his dad in the closing montage he was in the study room, but that's the only time anyone's been there since CLU.

stupid Disqus…

stupid Disqus…

And now it's time for…Random Thoughts with nlkim

And now it's time for…Random Thoughts with nlkim

This is still pretty true in the US. There's not really one "established" denomination, but Christianity as a whole is still the default option for everyone. Something that's pretty common is twice a year Christians, who go to church only for Christmas and Easter, but still consider themselves "Christian" if they're

This is still pretty true in the US. There's not really one "established" denomination, but Christianity as a whole is still the default option for everyone. Something that's pretty common is twice a year Christians, who go to church only for Christmas and Easter, but still consider themselves "Christian" if they're

My high school English teacher actually told me the same thing about dramas and comedies while we were reading Much Ado (as a side note, Dogberry! 

My high school English teacher actually told me the same thing about dramas and comedies while we were reading Much Ado (as a side note, Dogberry! 

About five minutes ago I randomly decided to try out Rabin's classic Simpsons reviews and see whether I wanted to keep up with them. I then checked to see what next week's episode is. It's Marge vs. the Monorail. I'm taking this as a sign that I should keep up with them.

About five minutes ago I randomly decided to try out Rabin's classic Simpsons reviews and see whether I wanted to keep up with them. I then checked to see what next week's episode is. It's Marge vs. the Monorail. I'm taking this as a sign that I should keep up with them.

I second this.

I second this.

Apart from a little rearranging, my top 10 are exactly the same as yours.

Apart from a little rearranging, my top 10 are exactly the same as yours.

Episode 3: Miami
Louie takes his talents to South Beach

Episode 3: Miami
Louie takes his talents to South Beach

Are you kidding me? I get weirded out looking at our family photos from 5 years ago. Just the different hairstyle alone is enough to make my mom look completely different.

Are you kidding me? I get weirded out looking at our family photos from 5 years ago. Just the different hairstyle alone is enough to make my mom look completely different.