
Continuity Flaw Alert!!!!
In 313 (Digital Exploration), someone asks the Dean if he is familiar with the Greendale bylaws and he says "I am not", however, in 105 (Advanced Criminal Law), during the trial he says "The Greendale bylaws don't allow for recesses", which obviously implies that he has read them.

Continuity Flaw Alert!!!!
In 313 (Digital Exploration), someone asks the Dean if he is familiar with the Greendale bylaws and he says "I am not", however, in 105 (Advanced Criminal Law), during the trial he says "The Greendale bylaws don't allow for recesses", which obviously implies that he has read them.

As far as Mixology goes, I think he just really wanted to talk about Farscape. Remember, he didn't actually drink until prompted. The theme of that episode was loneliness, and Abed may have been willing to drink if it meant that he could enjoy companionship with someone who has similar interests to his.

As far as Mixology goes, I think he just really wanted to talk about Farscape. Remember, he didn't actually drink until prompted. The theme of that episode was loneliness, and Abed may have been willing to drink if it meant that he could enjoy companionship with someone who has similar interests to his.

Knowing Pierce, he had probably brought up Eartha Kitt before RCT, and he was doing that thing that some people do where they tell their one cool story over and over to gain respect. When Jeff leaves, he doesn't feel the need to validate himself in that manner.

Knowing Pierce, he had probably brought up Eartha Kitt before RCT, and he was doing that thing that some people do where they tell their one cool story over and over to gain respect. When Jeff leaves, he doesn't feel the need to validate himself in that manner.

You know what's not organic? Airplane bathrooms, in which I had sex with Eartha Kitt.

You know what's not organic? Airplane bathrooms, in which I had sex with Eartha Kitt.

I prefer Mixology a little bit. Part of the allure of CFS is the gimmick—or rather that Harmon subverted the original gimmick (Pulp Fiction) with another gimmick (My Dinner with Andre). This makes it what is possibly the most meta episode of Community, but I find that because Mixology is less gimmicky, it makes for a

I prefer Mixology a little bit. Part of the allure of CFS is the gimmick—or rather that Harmon subverted the original gimmick (Pulp Fiction) with another gimmick (My Dinner with Andre). This makes it what is possibly the most meta episode of Community, but I find that because Mixology is less gimmicky, it makes for a

Your work is moving the art of fan fiction into the modernist era. It's very good.

Your work is moving the art of fan fiction into the modernist era. It's very good.

The Thunder (or Spurs, but it's unlikely) will win it anyway, so don't feel too bad.

The Thunder (or Spurs, but it's unlikely) will win it anyway, so don't feel too bad.

No love for Some Like it Hot?

No love for Some Like it Hot?

@avclub-c2ef3728d9ce090652f36c2e3d4783d0:disqus But Caddyshack 2 was such a towering icon in the comedy world…

@avclub-c2ef3728d9ce090652f36c2e3d4783d0:disqus But Caddyshack 2 was such a towering icon in the comedy world…