
"In most media, if there is a Christian involved, that person will be the villain."
Just making stuff up I see.

She's going to negotiate an amazing new trade deal. You're going to love it, it's going to be just terrific.

Should've called it "United States of Amerikkka"

If people stopped writing about, watching, and buying merch from these garbage culture vendors they would go out of business. But everybody has to get the page clicks, everybody has to get their rocks off no matter what the cost—even if it's our very souls.

How y'all gonna still support this evil shit after one of their own, Donnie Twimp, used their lessons to get elected to lead the world. Shame on this site, shame on the readers, shame on everyone who views and supports this abomination unto humanity. You're no better than Keeping up with the Kardashians and all the

You should end up regretting it. Either as a supporter of Trump or someone that actually voted for Trump, you will regret it when you find out that a real WW3 is about a million times worse than this "both parties are awful!" crap you want to cry about now. One party does support voting rights. One party does support

If you look at this from the perspective of movies as a reflection of mass culture, our culture is literally becoming mindless and stupid. Maybe that has something to do with the rise of zombie movies as well.

Satire: if we can't beat the fascists we can at least confuse the hell out of them.

Character doesn't pay ridiculously high credit card debt.

"What's she going to do, keep holding illegal parties as if that's an actual business move? "

You misspelled Republican party.

His followers love that he's a sexual predator. I've read many comments like "If I were rich I'd do exactly the same thing." He is their idea of a powerful alpha male.

Oh, they get it. That's why they love him so much. They are unintelligent assholes only capable of flailing about when criticized, and that's exactly what he is as well. They couldn't have possibly nominated someone more representative of their party.

All of that is true but it's the fault of the Republican party. They nominated a monstrous asshole because he represents their party perfectly. The election had to be about that fact, they were the ones who forced the issue.

We already have. All of the good "country" music coming out nowadays is what I'd label as Indy Americana/Folk/Southern Rock/Blues. Much of it has a downright liberal slant and a very intellectual view of the world to tell the truth. Mainstream country music like what you hear on the radio makes money but it's


"Just because you believe in small government doesn't make you stupid or uninformed."

Good I'm glad she told them to get bent.

It's pretty easy to know who to vote for 99% of the time: whoever's not a Republican.

I never thought I'd say this. I agree with the morbidly obese clown rappers.