And now you see why this interview was so short. *Sigh.*
And now you see why this interview was so short. *Sigh.*
He played Joe's brother Frank, not Joe himself. And as a Yankee fan, I found it interesting. So there.
His answers were clipped, but some of them were just "I don't remember." Hey, even if I'm half as with it as he is at 81, I'd be happy. But I think the fact that this was a career retrospective took him by surprise. I had informed the publicist that this would be the format; not sure if the word was passed on or not.
To anyone who asks: I only had about a half-hour to talk to Mr. Loggia, and I had to talk a lot about Scarface, since that's what he was promoting. It didn't leave time to talk about much else.
Hey, can't say I didn't try. I asked him how the environment was there, and if Brad Garrett felt the burden of carrying a show that was always on the verge of being cancelled. Can't control how people answer those questions.
I mentioned two out of the three you listed.
Showtime didn't get me the episodes in time, so I was completely in the dark about her character, and I'm not sure it was on IMDb at the time. Apparently, I wasn't the only one who didn't know her character's name.
If the 10pm slot you're talking about is the Sunday at 10pm one it now occupies, then your timeline would be correct. But if you're talking about the Leno slot, then your timeline is completely off. It was supposed to debut as a Sunday 8PM show sometime in the spring of 2010, I think, but was moved up after the shit…
"Retired at 35" is the show you're thinking of, and TVL renewed it for a second season. My guess is that it'll come back this coming fall. Not sure how Jessica Walter can deal with being on this show after doing "Arrested Development" and "Archer." I guess the paychecks cash well enough…
Hey, to each his or her own complaint. Wyle played a significant-enough part to mention it as his first big role…
@Asbury Hipster: Thanks! I've taken so many photos around Asbury Park that I almost feel like I live there. Figured it was a good avatar for my spankin' new AVC account…
Believe me, it's not like I was pummeling Loren with Archer questions. It was five minutes out of a 40-minute interview. And I wouldn't be so hard on Loren for being a bit concerned about how Jon getting the Archer part would affect Bob's Burgers. I'm pretty sure any producer would feel that way; he's happy that his…
It was a question that I felt I needed to ask. As far as the "bridge too far" statement on my part is concerned, if you've ever seen Jon in a press junket, you'll see that he doesn't even cover his disdain for the process. I think Loren very happily called Jon "surly." It's just part of the guy's personality; he's…