If the lizard joke offended you, you should probably stop watching. That is high class Family Guy.
If the lizard joke offended you, you should probably stop watching. That is high class Family Guy.
She is concerned with all that delicious life giving meth. Did they just throw it out? Where would one find it?
Really who is Matt? Is he the guy who writes for Rolling Stone.
Is Matt some guy you know?
Who is Matt?
Enjoy it greatly since it is still a good show. The idiots who hate it validate this.
Well Hitler did have a steady job and a girlfriend. I can't match that.
If you hate current Simpsons you are a terrible person. If legal, I would hunt you for sport.
Yeah imagine enjoying a show that is still good. He should be a walking cliche and hate the show.
Simpsons is great. You're the problem.
This did give me a good laugh at a bad time. Dead on parody of a white knight, so thanks.
Again this is Dee. You've seen her various conquest.
This is Dee, you have seen the show right?
Why did Dee not want to oil the beefcakes?
Last I checked they are still running them for thirty minutes on Cartoon Network.
You don't think Chinese Super Men are our betters? See China is great, because the employees are virtually slaves. Steve Jobs understood this.
I thought the funniest thing was Kelly Clarkson even possibly turning down a job.
They were hilarious with great characters.
The references are fine, it is the constant sarcasm and hatefulness that is the problem.