Angry Goldfish

Oh, and how does a turd like the English Patient win nine of its 12 nominations, but not the ones for its leads and writer? Because it's a turd. I'm totally with Elaine Benes on this one. I realize this doesn't qualify for this list, but it really should have, dammit.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (David Fincher! Brad Pitt! Cate Blanchett! The guy who wrote Forrest Gump! Loosely based on a story by F. Scott Fitzgerald! All the big, important questions made touchingly personal!)… 13 nominations including most of the biggies, 3 wins in technical categories.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (David Fincher! Brad Pitt! Cate Blanchett! The guy who wrote Forrest Gump! Loosely based on a story by F. Scott Fitzgerald! All the big, important questions made touchingly personal!)… 13 nominations including most of the biggies, 3 wins in technical categories.

Well, it's true it you're a member of Coldplay.

You would say that.

"It's Lowered Expectation TV. And it's real pretty."

Wasted an hour watching it, might as well waste another trashing it.

I'm glad I'm not the only one. B? B??? Are you kidding me? Had I not sat through the Playboy Club pilot, this would have been hands-down the worst hour of TV I'd endured in years. It was bad enough that I just had to keep watching, to see how much worse it could get.