
I agree with your sentiment, but I have a question (and this seems like a safe place to ask it). Were you trying to make "sexy" and "aesthetically pleasing" synonymous? In usage, I wouldn't equate the two, but I'm always interested in how others connote meaning differently.

When he mentioned Wreck-it Ralph, I had to google who he was… I had no idea that was him! That makes me like the film and the character even more. They definitely should have asked about it more directly.

I appreciate the brevity of your username.

I need help reacting to something…

Fighting doesn't ensue until you get four additional cuts back and forth of them yelling louder.

For a vegetarian sandwich, what about a wrap? Spinach tortilla with a pesto, roasted tomatoes and peppers?

I've not seen Rectify, but I marathoned Orphan Black last month. It was pretty great.

When I talked to people who said they didn't "fit" into the world of the show, I found it was mostly because they weren't Minnesotan the same way everyone else was.

How did you feel about Lester figuring out the riddle immediately?

Good catch on the salesman being the guy from the beginning! My friends and I decided Malvo let him live, because the second car was gone. As much of a monster as he is, Malvo gave Gus a chance to live because he had a daughter, so we thought he did the same for the dealer.

Since this seems to be the thread where people are bragging: I was lucky enough to see him and McKellen in Waiting for Godot in London in 2009. After the show, both of them signed my program.

A lot of HIMYM's gags were ruined by the end, but the one that always delighted me the most was Marshal's standup jokes about fish.

Terry loves his yogurt.

Come on!

This! The murals themselves as well as the sketch/awful history of Pawnee and the Native Americans. Everywhere I go in Indiana, I see terrible historic murals.

I stopped feeling bad for him because I noticed the door to his office. He spelt his name "Chazz".

That scene was really great, but when Molly asked him if he had a father, all I could think of was Daniel Day Lewis drinking milkshakes.

I guess episode four was the first time I noticed it (probably because of all the sweet pics on Molly's computer). Now I'm going to have to go back again…

I'm not sure if I agree a hundred percent on your police work, there, Lou…

I also assumed it was Bill using her computer. The fish in the images was exactly like the one in his office while talking about the storm.