Spice Weasel

And whither Huell?

I feel like there's a joke here about staying out of certain territories….


Fair enough.

Oh you and your carbon dating.

Aaron Paul is the dreamboat obvious choice, but I feel like Odenkirk would really bring it.

That's what everyone said about dinosaurs, but 65 million years later, and they're still awesome.

Womp.  Ever since we switched to FiOS, we don't get Sundance Channel.  OR FXX FOR THAT MATTER, so there goes Sunny. :'(

Ahhh!  I keep forgetting about Hannibal.

When Breaking Bad is over, I will be down to one TV show I absolutely must watch, and that is Mad Men.

I'm a buzzkill.

Right?  The more I look at this photo, the angrier I become.  You're mainstream, The Voice.  Sit your asses in your chairs and stop trying to make us think!

Ahhh!  Why did you say something?!  I didn't even see it before.

After looking at this photo for an amount of time I'm unwilling to admit, I just now realized they're all about to hit the button to make the chairs spin around so they can talk to the mystery singer.

I think he's trying to high-five some boob.

Quasimodo wakes up from a coma on a planet where everyone has hunchbacks and other horrific disfigurements and he finally is treated equally.

But they already have The Big Bang Theory.


Correct.  See also the original ending to Snow White.  Which was pretty fucked up in the Disney version.  "Yo, huntsman!  Bring me my stepdaughter's heart in a box.  K thanx. xoxo Queen Bitch"

Well, it's about a beautiful woman showing a really ugly guy some kindness… so I guess on TV that constitutes a fairy tale?