Spice Weasel


That is a really good point.

Get a different writer.  Also, just make this movie a big kaiju dance party, interspersed with Charlie Day just doin his thing.

Without Charlie Day, it would've been unwatchable.  See also: Horrible Bosses.

Nothing to see here… move al- OH MY GOD LOOK AT THIS FLAMING WRECKAGE!

Sex Cauldron?

There isn't any. Vive La Resistance.

Pro: James Marsden is in this.  I love you, Mr. Elizabeth Lemon.

Please stick to the penis and taints that you're used to.

Scrote 2016!

Fair enough.  But it looks like he's envisioning my grisly death at his hands and/or balls.

Well, I hope he at least plays his #1 smash hit "It's NOT Lupus".

Is it weird that his eyes are upsetting me just as much as, if not more than, the gigantic balls?

The scene with Mr. Frond, Gene, Bob, and Louise is pretty much the funniest thing ever.  Jon Benjamin's bewildered delivery of "This is dumb." and "No, thank you." when Mr. Frond asks Bob to look at his ABS had me rewinding over and over again.  Plus, Louise's "She won't remember this." about Repressed Memory Emily.

I want to do that!  It's expensive, but then I think about how much time and money I'll save because less upkeep!

I had it done before I went to Key West a couple summers ago.  I fall somewhere in the middle ground of you and @avclub-f7f8eb12e0f61a9321597157c0d61791:disqus .  It's nice because it does last longer, but mother of God I have never experienced anything so painful in my life.  It's not worth it.  Don't be a hero.

I'm back to say in a most serious way that I started watching Bob's Burgers this weekend and I am in love.  All I've seen is most of seasons 1 & 2 (thanks, Netflix).  My favorite episodes:

*cackles, runs away*

:( :( :( :(  I am so sorry to hear that.  I was very sick with a terrible sinus infection/chest cold last year when I was on vacation in California.  It SUCKED.  I spent most of the first three days in bed.  Feel better soon!!

Ok, I don't have much time to answer this but I saw it and hell I'll take five minutes out of my afternoon.