Spice Weasel

The first rule of World War Z is we don't talk about World War Z.

Brad Pitt was worried…

and how!

For some reason I'd also choose "Lawyers, Guns, and Money" (maybe because those things can't save you from your own death?) and "Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner" just because.

Honest Answer: The outro to "Layla".
Hilariously specific answer: If I died at a dance competition - Jamiroquai's "Canned Heat".

Plenty of room in the Chrysler if need a ride.

Thirded on Zevon.

It wasn't what he said.  It was what was left UNSAID.

OMG yes.  Yes.  They nailed it.

That is SUCH a Hermes Conrad thing to say. I laughed my ass off.

As much fun as it is to watch Fry try and operate his pants…

The new office chairs have arrived!

I love that one.  The ball-busting police chief is the best.

I've had that reed for 20 years!!!

I liked Zoidberg's completely ignoring her even saying that.  Mostly because Zoidberg's probably never had to deal with unspoken verbal abuse, ever.  Almost everything anyone has ever said to him has been some form of overt verbal abuse.

*thumbs up*

Nice rack, though.

For whatever reason, the Minx girl bringing up the verbal abuse over and over again was the highlight for me.  By the end of the episode, when her dad called, omg.  Dead.

I'm a singing busboy!

I love The Social Network.