
If anybody cared about critics, they wouldn't have shown up to give the film a big opening weekend. But the steep dropoff in its second weekend is a sign those people aren't going back to see it again or recommending it to their friends.

When Age of Ultron underperformed, Marvel rearranged several studio heads in an attempt to right the ship. But with Justice League due to start filming in a matter of days, WB is pretty much stuck with Snyder for the near future.

As a kid, the fighter plane chase sequence was a nice change of pace from the tense cloak & dagger stuff leading up to it. But for all the build-up, the whole "think in Russian" thing barely goes anywhere. As I recall, he does it one time in order to fire one missile to bring down the enemy jet, and that's the end

Thunderbirds 2086 (aka Techno Voyager) was a thing, featuring lots of specialized little vehicles who would rescue people from whatever calamity struck that week. It's development history was a bit unusual.

Space Battleship Yamato 2199 has already been released (with English subtitles) and it is awesome. Some company tried to bring it over rebranded as Star Blazers 2199, but the releases were expensive and stopped coming after a few volumes.

Conceptually, the idea of the Watcher wasn't all that different from Cho-Je from "Planet of the Spiders" - some other character to help the Doctor's transformation along after suffering a serious injury.

The concept of "regeneration" as we know it didn't really begin until the 3rd-4th Doctor transitions. The 1st-2nd was a "rejuvenation" aided by the TARDIS but its cause was never entirely clear. And the 2nd-3rd transition was caused by the Time Lords. In a bit of retroactive continuity, they both became

CDs are still a decent lossless audio container and are quite easy to rip these days. I'll choose them over MP3/AAC if those are my only options.

All I can remember from "Oh Heavenly Dog" is that Chevy Chase getting gunned down was somewhat shocking for a kids' movie, he turns back into a human for a handful of scenes in order to talk with his supernatural handler, and the film's happy ending involved the love interest also getting shot and getting turned into

"Last Guardian when?"

If we raise 100 million yen, perhaps they can deliver an ending to Evangelion that doesn't suck, instead.

The first time you watch it it's easy to get caught up in the sad ending (even though that's telegraphed from the beginning). The second time around, it's easier to spot all the bad decisions Seita makes which gets them to that point - because he's just a kid who doesn't know any better.

I thought the point of these so-called "reality" shows is that they're very cheap to produce, and thoroughly disposable. Spending $50m has got to be doing it wrong.

I did like the cameo. I thought it was an interesting (and unprecedented!) way for the previous Doctor to tell the companion (and by extension the audience) that the new Doctor is a cool guy who needs some support.

It's all relative, I suppose. But at that point in the film we'd gotten Spock back to fix the ship after Kirk's pair of screwups and he'd figured out how to get the Cloud not to kill them and things were starting to go somewhere.

I've always had a nostalgic soft spot for ST:TMP. But I have to admit that following up the long, FX-heavy "entering the cloud" sequence almost immediately with a long, FX-heavy "flying over V'Ger" sequence just kills the film's momentum.

"Dragonslayer" has held up the best of all of them, I think. "The Black Hole" is long on moodiness but just falls apart at the end. "Tron" is basically digitized "Spartacus" whose soundtrack and striking visual design can't make up for being pretty plain otherwise. And I don't remember anything about "the Black

Furlow never does get a proper comeuppance, does she? Like the Nebari subplot, it's something that might've been interesting but we run out of show before they get the chance to revisit.

The Oxygen Destroyer wasn't even devised as a weapon by its pacifist scientist creator. He's just so certain that once he uses it as a weapon to destroy Godzilla that it'll turn into another arms race. So he makes sure it only ever gets used once.

Not only does it terrorize San Diego, but they get it back on the boat and send it home again.