Megan should leave SCDP. It would be good for the marriage and for the office. Don certainly won't want to let her go quietly, but that's the advice I would give Megan.
Megan should leave SCDP. It would be good for the marriage and for the office. Don certainly won't want to let her go quietly, but that's the advice I would give Megan.
Probably because Lane can point to Cooper's lack of an office whenever anyone else asks for money. "We don't even have an office for a partner!"
But this show doesn't take place in several countries. It takes place in a specific city. A unique city. If I had to pick my favorite thing about Southland is that they aren't just police, they are distinctly LA police.
There's also the question of what would happen to him if he came clean about his ties to Nazir (and religious conversion). The thought of spending the rest of his life in US custody would also be scary, and possible if he told the whole truth.
I got really excited at the prospect of Dexter just leaving Miami and starting over at one point, but of course that never happened and was dismissed before the end of that episode.
Brody has friends in the vice president's office. I'm not too surprised there aren't repercussions for a war hero.
Not directly related to the gore. But I kept thinking Tarantino without the ego during the film.
If you weren't sold at Refn, you just have plain horrible taste. The Pusher trilogy comes to America.
Pretty sure Gus poisoned the kid, so a decoy was the only legitimate reason Jesse asked Gus to the hospital. Maybe for just a second Gus realized he left the car alone and the cartel could be around, but once he stopped to think, it all makes sense that Walt and Jesse are out to kill him.
Yes, I was surprised he had the one guard with him. Well not too surprised, but I noticed it was out of character.
If he couldn't get to the roof he would have hidden behind a bush or something. He could have waited on the street for the car to come out of the garage.
So in the scene lifting the tusk, I think the commodore was using a bit of a trick. First asking the young guy (pre-selected for youth but weakness) to pick of the tusk, which was awkward and took some fumbling to stabilize. By the time he was asked to lift it above his head, his arms were already tired. Meanwhile the…
Either that or he saw it as a way to do a favor for Lucky and the the other guy. He knew those two would be nice to have out of the way, but it couldn't be done by a local without causing problems.
I only knew because the episode was titled "Niece"
It was probably also good for her to see that he was sorry for it, though. He was finally being real with her, and she soon leaned on him as they started walking.
I thought so. It was distracting because I kept going back and forth over whether it was her or not.
Especially since Louie has certainly made fun of crowd work to Godfrey's face before, I quickly decided he was just breaking Louie's balls.
Just Imagine what was going through Gus' head in Boxcutter. He knew he should have just killed Walt(or Jesse) but maybe he saw too much of himself or Maximilio in Jesse (or Walt) to do that to him. I haven't figured it all out yet, but I'm now even more curious about Gus. Does he want to be the same kind of boss or…
You just made me realize that when Gus said he see's things in people he may not have been totally manipulative. Maybe he wants to build up Jesse from scratch just like he did with the man he rescued from the slums.
I got ya. We get an explanation, but it still doesn't feel like we really understand. We get facts, but not truth.