
It does go back to the writing in general. It just hits us over the head. The writers need to realize that the watchers of Boardwalk Empire have watched other great TV dramas. We've learned subtlety watching The Wire and The Sopranos. When someone starts talking about opium dens, I only anticipate a watered down

She recognizes that he is dangerous. She has seen plenty of dangerous men. She is using her best weapon, her sexuality, to gain the upper hand. She may also actually like his danger. Not sure if that was all play, or partly real.

Something delightfully cruel about it.

Steph needs to be written better, but the acting is great, at least.

Gods, I can't wait for In Treatment.

This reminds me of how advertisers use attractive women to sell products to men as well as using attractive women to sell products to women. They do this because it works, not for any immoral reason.

I would just stop comparing grades from different shows; especially from different reviewers.

If you write a comedy review, there's going to be some McNutt in there.

I can't wait for him to peel off his synthetic skin and tear everyone apart with his metal skeleton.

Given that most of what the show set up was all dashed aside in the last 20 minutes as all the gangsters' plans fell apart, we'll have to see some more to make real judgments.

Empire? I hardly know 'er!

While nothing is technically wrong with releasing the article before the show airs, I'd rather rather read more comments by people who have seen the show and less comments from before the show aired.

He has a movie out.

I watched Easy Rider yesterday, and the male chauvinism was appalling. Not only did they hire prostitutes, but they dosed them with acid without really telling them what it was. Like they bought not only their bodies, but their minds too.

Don't do that.

Liked the glasses, but a friend said, "Ick." I have a thing for cotton pajamas anyway.

Sure technically Don is only encouraging Sally to run away again, but in Don's catch22, he made the right choice by sharing some time with her. She'll get plenty of discipline when Betty gets a hold of her.

above read by Stephen Colbert.

Oh good call prezc. I remember Sally fixing the Drapers drinks before. She's a smart kid, which made Fay's "child psychology" so funny.

"Go get a man."
And they get Pete. lol, not the best choice.