
If we got all the answers, then it wouldn't be Lost. It took me a long time to come to terms with the vague mysteries we are forced to live with on this show. If they all get answered, it will feel like a totally different show. And I'm sure Lost writers watched BSG and want to avoid easy answers to a complex show.

I watched Law & Order / Homicide crossover last week.

There's no such thing as a prayer bucket.

Ted and consequences
The microphone could have picked up "IFT" so Ted could be used get leverage over Skyler and then over Walt, or something… I'm not sure how it would work, but Ted fucking Skyler and then getting embroiled in a meth cartel as a result of said affair would be a great storyline… somehow.

the temple like constitution shrine behind his desk makes me smile.


Yes, the scene could have worked as Sheldon being infantile, but it was just stereotypical drunk on TV stuff that one could twist into making sense.

The science nerd cred used to be very good. Sheldon's throw away lines about Physics at least made some sense.

Even though the laughs are "real", I'm sure there's a large flashing sign telling the audience when to laugh and a speech to the audience asking them to laugh along with the sign to help the show.

There was at least one person singing along with the elements song. Asian lady, IIRC.

Everyone is just a young man in identical clothing with similar haircuts, and they are all dirty. It's just a problem with war movies in general, but this one hasn't done much to distinguish the characters.

Since Widmore was able to come back to the island, I assume whatever was keeping people on or away from the island is no longer working. Either from the death of Jacob or the lighthouse destruction.

The special effects reminded me of that video game episode. I'm guessing some producer is throwing his friend some more CGI work.

book vs movie
It always bugs me when people act like the LOTR movies are the pinnacle of middle earth nerd love. I see the movies as just decent cappers to some of the best books ever written. These guys are real nerds who would likely make reference to stuff in the books and not just stick to the movie lines and

Here comes the Choo-Choo train!
In addition to easily borrowing cars, 13 proved that beautiful people can wear silly hats and rarely be questioned. That was one silly train conductor hat she put on at the end.

I don't think being a candidate is the same thing as being touched and therefore unable to suicide. It seems the candidates have been touched, but not everyone who's been touched needs to be a candidate.

One of Locke's first lines is holding up black and white backgammon pieces and saying, "Two players. Two sides. One is light, one is dark."
Re-watching LOST, knowing how important Locke would be, that line became central to the show.

It may not have been on LOST, but I remember someone mentioning that polar bears are exceptionally smart, so could have been ideal for whatever Dharma was up to.

I wondered why Hurley was eclipsing Richard. I couldn't imagine a director saying, "now you walk directly behind him so we can't see you" unless there was a point to it.

Or Jacob's spirit is extra strong, so just ashes are enough.