
Song Choice
I really wish someone could choose songs closer to what kids these days would actually like to sing, as opposed to Ryan Murphy just choosing whatever he's listening to in his car or what he liked as a kid.(what he said on Fresh Air)

TC masters really gave some perspective about how different challenges are than cooking in a restaurant. I guess the judges are there to judge as if they received this food in a restaurant, but I was also getting angry. Should he have just turned in an empty plate? Huh, Mr. guest judge man?

Ash wanted to make sure that he wasn't throwing MV under the bus, but he did go a little bit overboard.

The Kiss
I was thrilled at the way this progressed the Britta relationship but not too fast. Almost immediately, I knew that McHale seizing the day would mean kissing Britta, but I really don't want those two to actually get together.

I'm convinced Dushku took some intensive acting classes over the break, because I don't find myself noticing her obviously acting this season. Maybe it's that she has such large eyes that even small movements seem overacted?

I found that conversation with Sierra very interesting because neither would remember it later. It had a kind of "tree falling in an empty forest" effect.

Am I the only one who thought Chenowith's whole character was a waste of time? I loved her in Pushing Dasies and she can sure sing, but her songs were the most obviously lip sync'd. (that's saying a lot for Glee) The only part I really enjoyed was the final song when the show again became about High

There was just the one sexuality joke at the beginning of this episode, but I totally agree. The tiara collection is the one that sent me over the line.

I bet Ramsey knows some incredibly racist and dirty jokes.

I am amazed how much I like Tennille in spite of the yelling, but just once, dear lord, let her talk in a normal voice. Does she know how microphones work? Is she trying to yell at us from across the country? Imagine here yelling like that at solemn moments. "I'm sorry your mom died!"

It should be so easy to make a superhero show. Given the examples Jorge mentioned, all you have to do is have a group of people use their powers together to save the day. I'm so glad I stopped watching this.

They write the Orange Catholic Bible?

Glad to hear mention of Cavil. I spent this episode wondering why everyone was mad at these rebel Cylons when they both have to deal of the real threat of the rest of the Cylons. Giving comfort to Nazis is not the same as giving comfort to any rebel German. Sure, there is some Xenophobia going on, but a good leader

I find it hard to believe that Karen thinks about Jim very often with a new man and a baby on the way. Sure, she isn't thrilled at Pam bringing back sad memories of Jim, but I thought she had quite obviously moved on.

I enjoyed imagining the conversation it took for Michael to convince Pam to throw the candy. I hope we get to see more of the lecture, including chainsaw tricks.

There were a couple throw away lines in the next episode that mentioned that supplies were finite. Made me happy, guess this episode was just not written that way. I thought Adama's toothbrush looked new, which is what got me thinking about it. I agree the show has done some great work in the past showing the limited

Yeah, I know not every Damages or Burn Notice level of show can get covered here, but I would prefer more of a commitment to review entire seasons. Maybe there is just something going on with Donna, but I fear that if no new reviews have been posted the show was given up on. Maybe because there are less comments here

Alternate text. and Hulu
If any picture deserved a witty alternate text caption, it's this one.
"beauty and the beastly handsome"
"silently admiring each others' hair part"
I admit not great, but I'm sure we can some up with some killers.

I'm know you can say that Goodfellas has a gearshift, but it's hard to make the case that it's the same level of gearshift as in Psycho. Sure you can justify GF on the list, and Boogie Nights, but you must admit it's a different kind of gearshift. Maybe more of a tonal shift that a complete plot turnaround. I really

The black plastic glasses I got at MBV3d fit over my regular glasses pretty well, but it certainly took some getting used to. Even my friends without glasses said it was blurry for awhile before they become accustomed to it. Any outside light will be very distracting. The theater had someone outside to tell everyone